Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baked Potatoes to Cucina Amore

In my younger years my parents had a very tight budget and as a result we ate a lot of baked potatoes for dinner. Now don't get me wrong, we did have other things to eat as well such as poforts (a hot dog slice lengthwise and topped with cheese and mashed potatoes, surprisingly tasty!), chicken, and pasta. All very basic run of the mill type meals with no frills. So can you imagine how I would feel when in my teenage years I would come home to some gourmet meal a la Cucina Amore? I will tell you how I felt, like my mother and her roommate were nuts. My sister and I would walk in the front door after school and if we heard the tell tale italian music of Signore Nick Stellino's show Cucina Amore we would immediately get on the phone and try to make dinner plans with our friends. Unfortunately the adults got wise to us and made the rule that if upon arriving home and we did not already have prior plans for dinner then we had to eat what was prepared. You can't expect a child who was fed very basic foods growing up to embrace gourmet cooking readily and wholeheartedly, it won't go well. ;)

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